Surfboard Ocean & Earth Joy Flight PU

Surfboard Ocean & Earth Joy Flight PU

For both fun and performance, making wave catching and manoeuvrability a breeze.
Available at Our Store

Surfboard Ocean & Earth Happy Hour PU

Currently in stock hottest sizes:
Length | Width | Thickness | Volume

6'8" | 22 3/4" | 3" | 51.71 L
7'0" | 22 3/4" | 3" | 54.77 L board on sale due to visual damage

The Ocean & Earth Joy Flight 6'8" polyurethane thruster surfboard with its fuller shape and thickness, make it a perfect board for improving your wave catching ability and progressing your surfing either from a soft board or learner board. At the same time, this board will by no means hold your surfing back as it has some great features like double concave bottom for speed, increased tail and nose lift to enhance all round performance.

Joy Flight Board Specs:
OUTLINE: Squash tail for versatility. Wider nose area for easy paddling.
ROCKER: Minimal rocker for easy paddling to catching waves.
5 FIN SET UP – Ride as thruster or quad set up with your favorite single tab fins. Thruster PU fins and fin key included.