Follow Pop Youth CGA peldveste mazuļiem līdz 14kg. Neoprēna ārējais materiālu komfortams un ķermeņa siltumam. Liela tilpuma putu pildījums, kas notur virs ūdens.
Follow Pop Youth CGA peldvestei ir peldošs galvas atbalsts, kas pagriež bērnu ar galvu virs ūdens, nepielietojot citu palīdzību kā pašas vestes peldspēju.
Uzmanību! Šīm vestēm nav apstiprināti Eiropas savienības oficiālie peldvestu standarti, taču tās atbilst līdzīgiem ASV un Kanādas krasta apsardzes izvirzītajiem standartiem un normatīviem peldamībā un kopējā drošībā. To lietošana ir pieļaujama tikai pēc savas izvēles un sava personīgā riska.
Izmērs pēc svara.
Infant: 0-14kg
Follow Pop Youth CGA Jacket - Infant
Follow took the CGA vest and gave it the Follow touch with high quality materials and construction designed to get the most out of a CGA design. Neoprene outer. High quality PVC foam. Without looking like a jet ski racer. The Follow Pop CGA Life Jacket is offered in a range of sizes and will keep your kids comfortable all day long.
This vest delivers maximum flexibility just like Follow’s adult CGA vests with the expander fit back for maximum adjustment. The kids will look unique out there in and on the water in the while having the genuine personalization to their own shape for the perfect fit. Ensure that your kids can be young and free in safety in the Follow Pop Kid’s CGA Life Jacket.
+ Featherweight Foam
There are two ways to keep a life jacket as light as possible: reduce water absorption and use the lightest materials Follow can get their hands on. The featherweight foam is the best of both worlds, no kidding, feel for yourself.
+ Dual-Layer Neoprene
Wet neoprene increases in size by roughly 10%, depending on thickness and materials. Follow uses both external and internal neoprene layers to minimize this effect. Dual-Layer neoprene keeps the vest fitting as intended and helps to reduce chest expansion in the water.
+ Reduced Individual Segments
Follow works closely with their factory to minimize the foam pocket sizing and to use a direct stitch-through process to manage areas that are prone to movement. This keeps all the foam in place for years to come.
+ Expander Fit Back
For maximum fit adjustment.
+ USCG Approved
+ Sublimated Patterns